VoiceKeyDeluxe (VKD) turns your PC's sound card into a powerful and versatile digital voice keyer. VKD was developed from changes applied to the popular VoiceKeyDeluxe (VKD) software and is designed with both the meteor scatter and contest operator in mind.
It provides a variety of easy to use features that will run equally well on your laptop or desktop PCs. While so many other audio card applications will only work with specific brands of sound cards, VKD is sound card independent. If your PC has a Windows compatible sound card, VKD can turn it into a first class voice keyer. Some of theversatile features include:
- Message Configuration files - Organize voice messages in advance for skeds and contests.
- Software selectable hardware interface - Configure VKD to your existing PC to radio cables
- Message recorder included - or configure VKD with your favorite audio recorder.
- Sound card independent - works with all brands
- PTT audio delay - user configurable
- Receive window during MS xmit interval - user configurable time for each message
- Keyboard shortcuts and function key macros - forget the mouse when the pace is
- Message auto-repeat - user configurable for each message
- Full PTT external break-in - take manual control with your mic's PTT button
- CW MS keyer - record your CW keyer's sidetone and let VKD automatically handle
the MS timing chores